Thursday, June 16, 2011

My First Pregnancy!!!

I just found out about a week ago that I am Pregnant!!!! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Its my first baby and I have so many great feelings rushing over me (c: My husband and I had been trying and even waited for the perfect moment lol. He has 2 girls of his own and we really want a boy! (Don't get me wrong if we have a girl I will be just as happy) but I have always wanted a boy. I read about a million thing, blogs, articles, etc. on ways to make your chances of having a boy greater so I hope the efforts worked lol. Everything I read says the Y chromosome (boy) is a faster swimmer per say but dies faster. While the x chromosome (girl) is a slower swimmer but lives longer. So, we timed it to so when I was ovulating is the only time we tried to conceive. Well the only time we didn't use protection, since the egg can only be fertilized is in a 24-36 hour period of time. 

I had my first doctors appointment on June 8th and everything went great. I found out that I did conceive on my ovulation day and I am about 6 weeks along. I go back for my second Prenatal Visit on June 27th at which time I get to hear the babies heart beat for the first time and get my first ultrasound. I cant wait (c: I also got this great app on my phone call " What to Expect When Expecting" that tracks how many weeks and days I am into my pregnancy, gives me updates on how I may feel at different times during my pregnancy. What I can do to help with the nausea, what I can and can not eat and pictures of what the baby would look like week by week. Its really awesome! If your expecting I would really recommend it. I will keep giving updates as I know (c: And here is a pic of what the baby looks like now

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